This collection employs Antique Japanese Kimono fabrics and is a fusion of ancient and modern, past and present. Each piece is One-of-a-Kind Art Wear.
Japanese Kimono fabric is superior in quality and artistic craftsmanship. It is re-born in Contemporary Design. I am especially interested in using the hand-craft fabrics that are becoming extinct.
The Origami concept is used in the production of each unique piece. The designs enlist the natural drape and lines of the fabric to define and enhance the female form. Many pieces can be worn in multiple ways, from formal to casual.
The remnant materials are used for patchwork, quilting, weaving and knitting. There by not wasting these rare fabrics. Repurposing antique silk fabric is ecologically sound and sustainable. The manufacturing of new material sacrifices many silkworms and energy. The lifespan of the finest silk fabrics can be upwards of a few hundred years.